Strategic plans
The Cabinet of Ministers meeting of 2/4/1381 on the proposal of 9041/89 - 13899/105 dated 7/9/1380 Organization of Management and Planning of the country and on the basis of Article 2 of the Law of the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Ministry approved in 2000, the detailed duties of the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad to the description Submitted and communicated:
A. Policies, Planning and Supervision:
1- To determine policies and strategies related to agriculture, development and development of villages and nomadic areas, as well as to set up and implement agricultural development programs within the framework of sustainable development policies:
2- To carry out the investigations and actions necessary to plan the production and supply of the country's needs for agricultural and livestock products and export development, taking into account comparative advantages within the framework of the country's trade policies;
3- Preparation, development, implementation and updating of agricultural and rural informational systems and establishment of statistical systems;
4- Preparation of standards and criteria for planning necessary for the facilities and infrastructure required by the producers and producers of the agricultural sector;
5. Monitoring and evaluating the performance and activities of the institutions and affiliates of the ministry and creating the necessary coordination and coordination programs;
6. Monitoring and evaluation of programs, plans, activities and actions in the area of the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Ministry in order to measure their effectiveness and effectiveness.
B. Research, education and agricultural affairs:
1- Performing applied research and development in the following areas:
A) water and soil, seed and seed improvement, breeding, livestock and aquaculture, forest and pasture and watershed management, plant pests and plant diseases and ways to combat it;
(B) the exploitation of advanced biotechnology and genetic engineering techniques in the agricultural sector, the development of appropriate methods and the use of modern agricultural and livestock development technologies in line with the country's climatic and geographical conditions;
(C) Increasing productivity, reducing waste and improving the quality of agricultural products and products;
D - Supplements, serums and biological materials necessary for the prevention and control of common animal and livestock diseases between humans and livestock, as well as their procurement and production in the country.
2- Conservation, collection, evaluation and development of genetic heritage reserves, herbal biodiversity and germplasm of crops, orchards, ornamental, medicinal plants, forests, forests, livestock and aquaculture, and micro-organisms and beneficial and harmful agricultural practices within the framework of assigned duties. Made;
Study and research for economic development of agriculture and promotion of its position in the national economy and rural and nomadic development;
Planning and implementation of scientific, practical and vocational training of agricultural sector and rural industries in the framework of approved policies as well as education of new agricultural and livestock techniques and techniques to relevant producers;
Studying, designing and optimizing production patterns and systems in the agricultural sector and evaluating and continuously improving them;
Planning and presenting the results of research done to the employees, producers and utilization of the agricultural sector, as well as identifying their problems and problems and taking action to eliminate them through the implementation of promotion programs
(C) Natural Resources and Watershed Management
1- Comprehensive survey of watersheds of the country in order to prepare watershed plans and prevent soil erosion and implement a comprehensive program of agricultural land use and natural resources and optimal utilization of these lands;
2- Planning and carrying out necessary measures to prevent the conversion and conversion of agricultural land and forests;
3. Preservation, restoration, extension, protection and proper operation of forests and natural pastures and planting of the country, and providing for the implementation of large projects of forestry, forestry, pasture, establishment of forest parks and natural recreation within the framework of the objective Sustainable development tools and necessary monitoring;
4. Planning and implementation of Watershed management and stabilization of Sands and Desertification;
5. Identification and separation of the law of the national land from the exclusion of natural and legal persons, the transfer of national resources to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the implementation of regulations related to the management and assignment of national and state land in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
D-Sub-pluralism of agriculture and rural development
1- Development of agricultural mechanization with regard to the climatic and cultural characteristics of different regions and the provision of technical and technical support services;
2- Integration of land, construction of inter-farm ways, equipping and modernizing farms and gardens for the effective use of agricultural inputs and inputs, and improving productivity in the production process, with emphasis on improving water productivity;
3- Planning and implementation of necessary measures in the field of soil conservation and improvement and providing the necessary incentives for increasing the efficiency and efficiency of irrigation in fields and gardens;
4. Providing the necessary incentives to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of irrigation in farms and gardens;
5- Planning for the transfer of water from the third and fourth grade waterways and the traditional ways and channels of water, distribution and consumption of agricultural water and carrying out the necessary measures for the construction, development and maintenance of relevant facilities in the framework of existing laws;
6- Performing the duties arising from the implementation of the law of fair distribution of water, adopted in 1361, and its subsequent amendments;
7- Planning and conducting studies necessary for the design and implementation of small water resources development projects after obtaining a permit from the Ministry of Energy;
8. Planning and actions necessary for the construction, maintenance and operation of fishery ports and infrastructure facilities in accordance with the duties of other ministries;
9. Planning, adopting measures and forecasting the necessary mechanisms for the development and development of villages in coordination with other devices;
10. Planning and organizing nomadic displacement and settlement within the framework of comprehensive regional plans;
11. Development and support of the conversion and complementary industries of agriculture and rural industries in the framework of industrial policy of the country.
E) Gardening, livestock and aquaculture:
1- Planning and adopting the necessary measures to increase efficiency